
Finale lyrics editor
Finale lyrics editor

finale lyrics editor

My favorite moments are the moments when you guys are writing songs together.

finale lyrics editor

There are so many standout moments of this series. His name is Danny Rowe, and he came to me one day and said, “We have this cool guitar strap that all these musicians played with in the seventies, including your grandfather.” And I thought it would be cool to use, so I said, “That sounds good.” The thoughtfulness in every department on this show was incredible. KEOUGH: That was something the art department came to me with. Was that your idea, or did someone bring that to you? The nod to your grandfather (Elvis Presley) has been pointed out, with Daisy wearing the replica guitar strap. It wasn’t actually something that I had any background in, at all. Sometimes my girlfriends and I would be sitting around, singing together. And as far as singing goes, I would hum and I would sing with my husband, a little bit here and there. I would mess around on the piano when I was little, but nothing serious. KEOUGH: I’ve been musical, in the sense that I grew up around music and I listened to music.

finale lyrics editor

Was this the first time that you had seriously considered exploring your own musical lineage? Are you someone who’s always been very musical at home, singing in the shower and doing things like that, or was this like the first time you’d really seriously considered doing that? That would have been when we were really proud. And that’s not to say that we were a wonderful, perfect, amazing, flawless band, but we really got to a place that I don’t think any of us thought we could, a year before. This was after essentially a year of rehearsals, and once we got to SIR, there was a moment where we all felt like we couldn’t believe how far we’d come. KEOUGH: We did a lot of band rehearsals at a rehearsal space, and then we moved to a bigger rehearsal space, called SIR Studios. It was challenging and it was something that I just wanted to do, to see if I could accomplish.ĭid you have a biggest rock star moment on set? Was there a first moment that everything really just felt like it clicked, where it was all working and where you felt confidence in it that maybe you hadn’t felt at the start of it all? I wanted to learn, just to test myself and see if I could sing and play guitar, and all these things that felt so foreign to me, honestly. RILEY KEOUGH: I was all in, from the beginning. And then, when it was announced that you’d been cast, I was like, “Okay, that’s perfect casting.” Did you know that this was the perfect role for you, or was it something that you needed to convince yourself to do? Were you just all-in, from the beginning? During this 1-on-1 interview with Collider, Keough (whose performance is a true award-worthy standout) talked about being all-in on the role from the beginning, their first rock star moment as a band, exploring her own musical lineage, learning about the songwriting process, the importance of finding trust on set, tracking Billy and Daisy's relationship by how close they're standing together on stage, that gut-wrenching scene in episode eight, shooting the Soldier Field concert, female friendship, that final moment, and what she took home from the set.Ĭollider: When I read the book for this, the first thing I wondered about was how they’d ever find someone to play Daisy Jones.

Finale lyrics editor